eBusiness-Praxis für den Mittelstand.

Sharing a common language (02/2013)

Guidelines for standardised exchange of master data in the high-end cosmetics sector

Sharing a common language

Minor cause, major effect:

Fractures within process chains multiply the risk of errors, slow down processes and lead to high costs - costs which could be avoided. Only those who recognise the fundamental importance of uniform communication and process standards and the crucial role that these play in ensuring that business processes between all those involved in the value chain run smoothly can successfully rise to the challenge posed by the growing competitive pressure in the field of high-end cosmetics.

In this case, the strict focus of the supply chain on consumer benefits in the sense of Efficient Consumer Response (ECR), alongside the increase in cost effectiveness, is the “measure of all things”. The aim is to gain a competitive edge over other sales channels, or make up for any disadvantages, and improve customer loyalty by increasing customer satisfaction.

The attitude of consumers today means that they increasingly influence the design of products and product ranges. This also leads to increased requirements regarding the quality of product master data. In particular, master data management plays a key role in terms of efficient inter-company processes.

This implementation guide...

...explains how small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) in particular can also exchange item master data on the basis of the GS1 standards and increase their process efficiency. The implementation of a fully automated master data exchange process in the field of high-end cosmetics constitutes a key EDI business process. Firstly, it lays the foundations for further EDI projects which benefit industry, retail and consumers. Secondly, reliable item data lays the foundations for facing future challenges such as e-commerce and multichannel distribution in the field of high-end cosmetics.

We are delighted to be able to help all interested high-end cosmetics companies make the decision to switch to automated master data exchange. Together we can make the most of every available opportunity for our industry in the context of an extensive master data project - the time is ripe!

Guidelines for standardised exchange of master data in the high-end cosmetics sector (pdf, 1.18 MB)